The Bellarmine Lion is the award-winning student newspaper, earning Gold Medalist status five years in a row from Columbia Scholastic Press Association. Originally published in print six times a year, this form of media provides a forum for student expression and writing. The staff reports on recent campus events, noteworthy activities of students, faculty/staff, and gives an overview of academic endeavors and athletic competitions. 

In addition to a print journalism focus, in 2012, made its debut. 

In 2015, the Lion staff started to experiment with broadcast journalism. A grant in 2017 sealed the deal with broadcast equipment, and another grant in 2021 (and the challenges of a pandemic) made broadcast a focus over print. 

Also, in March 2021, executive editor Kelli Allen B’21 won Washington State Journalist of the Year. 

Seventeen juniors and seniors compose the staff, and these journalists are responsible for the writing, editing, interviewing, broadcasting, and online publishing of each month. Staff members apply for or are appointed to such positions as executive editors, writers, photographers, etc.

In addition to serving as both an academic and co-curricular activity, The Bellarmine Lion also strives to become a family through various bonding experiences: dinners, service projects, retreats, conferences, and fundraising. Jeanne Hanigan is the Journalism Adviser. She too served on the Lion as Editor-in-Chief in 1983-84.

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