Mark your calendars NOW.
Registration Opens in May.
Academic Readiness
Designed primarily for incoming freshmen, these programs focus on preparing students for a successful transition into Bellarmine. With courses aimed at building foundational skills, fostering confidence, and familiarizing students with the school’s expectations, Academic Readiness ensures students start their high school journey on the right foot.
Each class size is limited to 20 students. Registration will be accepted in order of date received. Tuition Assistance is available. Contact Mary Graves at for more details.
English Readiness 8-9:20 a.m. or 9:30-10:50 a.m.
Students will be introduced to the freshman English curriculum through an integrated reading and writing approach. Lesson design will emphasize the connection between reflective thinking, reading and writing. Instruction will target strategies for building vocabulary and active reading for fiction and nonfiction texts. Writing strategies will focus on sentence fluency, paragraph structure, organization and conventions.
Algebra Readiness 8-9:20 a.m. or 9:30-10:50 a.m.
This course is designed for students entering Algebra who need a review of rational numbers (fractions, decimals, percentages), operations with integers, and pre-algebra skills including constructing graphs, tables and writing equations. Basic science-focused computational skills will also be reviewed with an emphasis on procedural fluency and graphing.
Algebra Enhancement 8-9:20 a.m. or 9:20-10:50 a.m.
This course is designed for students entering Geometry or Algebra 2 who will benefit from a review of linear, quadratic, exponential and inverse functions, rational expressions, and exponents. Basic science-focused computational skills will also be reviewed with an emphasis on procedural fluency and graphing.
Biology Boost: Aug. 18-19, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
This program is designed as a two part workshop scheduled for August 18 and August 25. This structure will prepare students to excel in biology and is intentionally designed so students can enroll in math, english, and biology. Students will review the fundamental concepts for biology including experimental design, data collection, analysis, and graphing skills. Students will further develop their ability to effectively communicate their findings (claim, evidence, reasoning) using academic language, and review how to effectively read science textbooks.
August 11-15 (Monday-Friday) AND August 18-19 (Monday-Tuesday), 2025:
- English Readiness
Algebra Readiness
Algebra Enhancement
August 18-19 (Monday-Tuesday), 2025:
Note: class times are structured so that students can enroll in English, Algebra and Biology courses throughout the summer program