Sophomore Plunge Service Plunge Leaders pledge themselves to work hard to build student unity, encourage companionship, and model an attitude of reflection upon one’s life and relationship with God. The Plunge Leader should be a person who is committed to service and growth in his/her faith in Jesus Christ.
Retreat Leadership in Ministry
Junior Encounter Team and Crew Working Crew or Team on the Junior Encounter is for members of the senior class who have attended the retreat previously as a participant. The retreat seeks to promote a deeper sense of the Christian adulthood founded in the Catholic understanding of self, others and God. It is a wonderful opportunity to build class solidarity, strengthen individual faith, and enable students to get to know each other away from the Bellarmine campus. The role of a Crew or Team member is not one of glory, but rather one of service. As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, so too the Crew and Team members are called to be servants to the juniors on the weekend. To be selected for Crew or Team is a gift to the juniors served.
Retreat Leadership in Ministry
Magis Team The decision to enter into this experience is a serious one and should not be taken lightly. Seniors who are willing to accept the invitation “ come, follow me” are encouraged to apply. Each team leader will develop a reflection which publicly and honestly explores a particular aspect of his or her relationship with Jesus. The team leader must be willing to work for the benefit of others, challenge classmates, lead by example, be committed to daily prayer and present a reflection
Retreat Leadership in Ministry
Pilgrimage Team Each team member gives a presentation/ meditation based on the overall theme of senior year as a journey. The eight talks detail aspects of the journey in faith: What a Pilgrimage is, how we are called to be pilgrim people, the baggage we bring with us, rejection on our journey, relationships with others, Jesus’ presence, our values and goals for the journey, and the cost of discipleship. Before and after the team leader’s talk, she/he is to assist the directors in the management and implementation of the retreat.
Senior Retreats
Pilgrimage The Pilgrimage is a retreat drawn from Luke’s gospel. The major purpose of the retreat is for the seniors to take time to reflect upon the beginnings of their senior and final year at Bellarmine. The retreat aids in building class unity and in supporting one another through senior year. The Pilgrimage is a one-day retreat that takes place at Camp Hamilton near Duvall. The hike itself is about 7 miles. Mass is celebrated around the campfire in the evening. The mission of Bellarmine is to produce graduates who will be leaders in action, modeled on Christ, who will be fearless in working for the Christian transformation of the world. The Senior Pilgrimage provides a small time frame for reflection on our attitudes regarding this gospel call.
Senior Retreats
Montserrat & Manresa After Ignatius decided to no longer live for fame and glory but try and live a life in service to Jesus he left his home for a spiritual adventure. He first went to Montserrat, Spain, where he gave up his prized possessions and symbols of status that were weighing him down. He spent the night in prayer and after leaving, traveled to Manresa where he came to realize God’s all-encompassing love and saw “God in all things.” These retreats invite seniors to get away from the business of their lives and have time to discern what is really important to them, and how to live a life more in line with being a conduit of God’s love. Both retreats take place away from the Bellarmine campus, in a quiet setting, and are co-ed.
Senior Retreats
Magis The Magis Retreat is modeled after the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. The retreat addresses the reality of our relationship with God in the person of Jesus Christ. It offers a challenge to reflect upon that relationship as it is now — as well as in the future — and calls the participant to prayer, reflection, community, and commitment. The format of the weekend is based on the thematic sequence of the Spiritual Exercises in a senior team reflection, prayer period, small group sharing format. The pace of the weekend is relaxed. There is scheduled free time for walks, naps, volleyball, kickball, basketball, frisbee, and just hanging out.
Complete and Present Portfolio Senior Planting
Incorporate advocacy steps for a justice topic that is of interest to them.
Liturgical ministry offers students opportunities to serve others as liturgy planners, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, musicians and choir members at weekly and all-school liturgies