List Detail

Senior Retreats

Senior Pilgrimage

The year kicks off with Pilgrimage, a day long hike and retreat, led by members of the senior class. Held at Camp Hamilton, seniors hike around six miles, while taking time to reflect on important themes for their last year of high school. Offered once in September, the Pilgrimage helps contextualize their high school journey and sets the stage for a great senior year.

Montserrat and Manresa 

Small groups of seniors are invited to participate in a weekend silent retreat based on the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Directed by a Jesuit priest and campus minister, the silent retreats offer moments of peace and reflection as students seek to deepen their spiritual life.


The Magis is the capstone senior retreat. Based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, the Magis, offered in the Spring, is a Friday night to Monday morning experience not to be missed. The last big class event of the senior year, the students are invited to reflect on their high school journey and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. 