As Bellarmine embarks on an exciting period of transition, marked by new leadership, growth, and a fresh direction leading up to our 100 th -year anniversary, I feel incredibly fortunate to have a front row seat to witness and actively participate in this dynamic evolution during my inaugural year as Board Chair.
Our unwavering focus remains on our mission: to provide an unparalleled Jesuit Bellarmine experience for our students. Rooted in our rich tradition, yet ever adapting, our community stands resilient and vibrant. As we look ahead, we are committed to nurturing and guiding each new generation of leaders as they journey through our halls.
The incoming freshmen students will bear the esteemed title of Bellarmine’s Centennial graduating class, a testament to our century long legacy of cultivating leaders of tomorrow. For 100 years Bellarmine has been synonymous with excellence, producing graduates imbued with competence, compassion and conscience.
As we reflect on our journey, I invite you to contemplate: What would our community be without Bellarmine and the profound impact of THE GRAD AT GRAD?