2021-22 Annual Report

In this Annual Report, members of the Bellarmine Preparatory School community share those moments of gratitude they felt during their time at Bellarmine.

Last year, our 120 dedicated faculty and staff provided a Jesuit education to 900 students. This Annual Report is a way for Bellarmine to publicly say, "thank you!" Thank you for your time, talents and treasure. We couldn't be here without you! Bellarmine is grateful for each and every one of our students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, grandparents and friends. May you find the time to make room for MANY special moments this year.
Serving as Board Chair is one of the great honors of my life and I will continue to work tirelessly to further our mission. We are entering an important window for Bellarmine: navigating a post-pandemic educational environment; embarking on an endowment campaign to secure financial stability; and working with our new President Dr. Kelly Goodsell, who, along with our strategic plan, will help guide the direction of the school for many years to come. The success of those efforts will hinge on our ability to work collaboratively – students, parents, faculty and staff, board members, benefactors, and alumni – toward our common goal.

Zebular Madison B'97
Board Chair
"Bellarmine has supported my education, spiritual journey, and my goals and dreams. Congratulating me in my accomplishments and encouraging me to reach my full potential... helping me seek God, encouraging my growth and lifting me up if I fall. I am proud to be a Lion!"

Jayla Mosley B'24
We are not just a set of buildings or a bunch of classrooms, but we are people and all of us together are what Bellarmine is about - a community that is committed to learning, growing, and making a difference."

Aires Patulot
Campus Minister

Your kindness has allowed us to have access to all sorts of amazing things, like many extracurricular programs, a loving community and a great education. These things have made a huge difference in our learning experience and have helped us to dream big and strive for success."

Arcel Moya B'25

List of 1 items.

  • Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors, along with school administration, assumed responsibility finalized the hiring of our new President, Dr. Kelly Goodsell for the 2023-24 school year. We are grateful for the dedication of the board and their intrepid leadership during this extremely important time for the school.
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List of 1 items.

  • Leading with Gratitude

    Mid-year, Cindy Davis stepped in as Interim President, along with still holding her position as school Principal. Bellarmine is grateful for her willingness, her wisdom and her commitment to hold both these roles as we searched for our new school president.
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I love that Bellarmine has an inclusive, welcoming and close-knit community. This community is one that takes care of one another in all our times of need."

Roma Sharkey B'23

What I love about Bellarmine is the community. It is a place where you know you won't be left out. There's always a club or some other form of activity for you here, which is what sets Bellarmine a part from other places. It is incredibly inclusive."

America Hernandez B'25

What I am most grateful for about Bellarmine are my friends and teachers. My teachers are very wonderful people that go above and beyond with their teaching, and if I need any help, they will be ready to assist me in any way they can. They are passionate about learning and I wish nothing but the best for them. The people that I surround myself with make my day brighter and remind me that I am always loved."

Eric Gutierrez B'23